miércoles, 3 de julio de 2013

What is it to be a New Zealander?

To be part of this community is very different to the Chilean one in almost all aspects, such as everyone is very nice (from my point of view).

Firstly, the people from New Zealand are very athletic, every day I see at least 10 people running, cycling, going to the gym, windsurfing and more. They also have a special diet, for example of my family eat everyday vegetables.

Secondly, they follow all rules as it costs, like pay alone the parking, be fair, they are also responsable and punctual.

Thirdly, I've noticed that New Zealanders are open minded for all the races that you can observe in this country, culture or even point of views.

Finally, something that caught my attention was that someone can leave a bike for weeks in a place and it will not be stolen, but in Chile it can be just hours and it will be already stolen. This community is very friendly and has an excellence education.

In conclusion, to be a New Zealander is to be Open-Minded, friendly, caring about the other people, be fair, do sport and follow the rules, also to be a New Zealander is very difficult for all the activities you have to do.


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