lunes, 1 de julio de 2013

Miss Caroline Task

a)  If Miss Caroline is NOT an important character in the story, how does the author effectively use Miss Caroline’s character in chapters 2 and 3 to introduce important background information about other characters and the setting  of Maycomb in the 1930s?  Describe using examples from the text.

Haper Lee, uses this both chapter's to introduce her characteristics, because she was not from Maycomb, she is also a new character. She did not know nothing from this old town, that means nothing about the people, as we can see how she feel's after the first day of school, the rumors of the Radley Place, and how people lived.
B)  Imagine you were Miss Caroline after her first day teaching.  Write a brief letter to your family in Winston County describing your day.  (1 paragraph)

Dear Family,
Well I'm in Maycomb, and I just finished the day. In clasess I read a book to the kids, just some were interested. I noticed one of them called Jean Louise Finch, she was the most interested of all, she already knew how to read and write, that was unacceptable because someone had already teached her, what is the matter I have to repair. One boy, that was from the Cunningham's,did not brought food. Jean offered him some but he wont accept, I didn't understand why until the kid's explained to me. I was also insulted by an Ewell. This day of school was awfull. Hope everybody of you are okay.

With love,

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