lunes, 1 de julio de 2013

TKaM Chapter One Questions

1) Describe Calpurnia as Scout depicts her in Chapter 1.

Calpurnia was near-sighted, all angles and bones, she had a big and hard hand, she squinted, and also Scout thought she is tyrannic and always she is ordeing things to her (Scout) and Jem.

2) What does Dill dare Jem to do?

Dill did a bet with Jem, that was he will not go further the Radley Place gate, but as we know he didnt wanted (Jem).

3) What events led to Arthur’s being shut into the house?

He was part of a gang, and they did disturbs so they were arrested. Mr Radley asked if he could have locked Arthus in his house, the judge accepted, instead of sending him to te state industrial school.

4) Pretend you are writing a description of Maycomb for a travel magazine ofthe 1930s. Describe the town in detail.

Its a old town in Alabama, the weather is hot and rainy, thats the reason why grass grows in the streets. People move slowly, because they take their time very seriuos. Also the comercial and the urban streets are separated.

5) The townspeople of Maycomb have some fears and superstitions about the Radley Place. Describe these fear and superstitions.

After the crime of Crazzy Addie, people always thought there was a ghost int the Radley Place, for the reason people had fear to this place and walked on the other sidewalk. Also the fruits that fall in their place were never eaten, beacuse there was a superstition that was if you it a fruit from there you are going to die. 

6) Whose idea was it to make Boo come out of the house?

Dill's idea.

7) How important is bravery to Jem?

Very important, because he was strong and confident, thats why he accepted Dill's bet. If he didn't had accepted, he will be looked like a coward, but he says he didnt wanted to accept.

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