jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013

Writing Task 1

Fatelessness has a message and it is something that Imre Ketesz never thought or considered when he was writing his novel. Write between 150 and 200 words.

What I really think, is that the statement is not true. What we saw in the interview, a video, what the author wanted to do, Imre Kertesz, his intetion of writing the novel was to leave a memory of what really happened in the Holocaust, for the reason he didit this way, I think it was to give a   message for all what he lived will never happen againg, because as we know, he lived lots of sufferings and atrocities.
The message also, is what every jew suffered, and when we read the message in the novel is to make us learn, about what really happened in the Holocaust, for it never to happen againg. Imre by leaving the book he can demostrate what really happend, and then show it to the future generations, for the reason it will never, never happen againg, for all the lives lost in the Holocaust.

miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2013

Writing Task 2

It's not easy or hard to understand the points of view, at least for me. In the novel, the parts I read, I could identify at least two points of view, which are: first person and third person. If we see an "I" or a "we" we already know that is first person. By the other side, third person is when we can see words like “he,” “she,” or “it”. These are the most common points of view used in books or novels, because they are very useful.

Where it says "It is likely to be a cultural problem/advantage mainly." it is not a cultural problem or advantage to understand the points of views. In my case I do not have a problem nor an advantage to interpret the points of view, because if you the words of each point of view, you can know which point of view is.

Writing Task 3

In the novel Fatelessness we can see that how the author has and uses different techniques that seduce  and affect our minds. We can read in the book, in passages, that the author uses different points of view, such as first person and third person. Imre Kertesz also uses a unique diction to describe what is occuring in the novel.

Imre uses the words in a very particular such as "atrocities" and "suffering" which mean: Atrocities, usually plural) acts of extreme cruelty, esp against prisoners or civilians in wartime.     Suffering,condition of one who suffers; the bearing of pain or distress. If we know this, Gyurka, the main character, suffers a lot in the novel, because this words are always present, because the author describes in way that the reader has to feel what is happening in the novel, and thanks to that we know the Imre is seducing us.

In conclusion, Imre uses words and different points of view to seduce our minds to understand the novel in a better way.

martes, 26 de noviembre de 2013

Writing Task 4

The Holocaust is a period where the author suffered atrocities, which are the ones suffered in the book fatelessness. Imre Kertesz suffered in the Holocaust, thanks to that he did the novel telling what happened to him during the period, because we know that the novel is based in Imre's life. What occured in the Holocaust is that jew's were discriminated in many ways, for the reason they had to be killed, in this case, by the Germans. Imre did the novel telling a similar story that really happend to him, instead he created character's that live the reality of Imre, in this case Gyurka. 

If we know what happend in the Holocaust, we can also know what happend in the novel Fatelessness, because they are connected, also it ocurres in the same period, that's why the novel, if we say it like this, it's inside the Holocaust period.

In conclusion, Imre's life, the novel, and the Holocaust are connected, because all occurs in the same period. The novel is based in Imre's life, where we can see his experiences of how lived in those times.

jueves, 21 de noviembre de 2013

Optional Listening Activity

1) We can see that the stone blocks represent the germans, which demostrates their superiority above the jews in the holocaust, there over 2000 stone blocks demostrating the opression that the germans put in the jews in the camps. All stone blocks are with the same shape and size, like the germans with their uniforms.

2) Imre feels free on Germany, like he was a normal person, Germany is the place where he suffered and lost his freedom during the Holocaust.

3) The antisemitism before Aushwitz already hated the jews. The Antisemitism after Aushwitz wanted to do another Holocaust

4) Historical books make us much richer because we can see mistakes done by the humanity, such as all what happened in World War II, from this we can learn from them and then do not do the same mistakes.

5) The metaphor is: "I continued to worry our souls, and now it knocks from inside the cabinet where we thought we had locked it up. He tries to say that when the readers read the book, they start remembering what really happen and they start getting conscious about the Holocaust and its atrocities."

This optional blog is instead of the analysis of the holocaust.

Response to Häfelin's letter

What language (specific words) did your classmate did you classmate use to appeal the audience? If there is no language appealing the audience, suggest some words.

Christian used many words, such as: special, witnessed, atrocities; using this words the diction of your letter is espectacular. In line 5 you should put "interesting people", instead of interest.

How moving is the letter ? Do you think that your classmate's style is effective?

I think that my partner's style is very effective, because he used words that can catch the reader, in this case me, describing how he feels in the concentration park.

Explain to what extent the letter includes elements of contexts and time.

My friend's letter does includes elements of time and context like where he says in line 1 to 3 that says, "  I am writing to you because I want to tell someone what is happening to me, in special my experience in the concentration camp, and I hope you miss me as much as I do. I have been witnessed of different atrocities during an entire year". In this lines we can appreciate the context of time and place during the world war II, during Holocaust.

Concentration camp = Aushwitz

Link to Fatelessness Video!


martes, 19 de noviembre de 2013

Gyuri Mind

1. What does this tell us about how Gyuri´s mind work
2. What do most 13-year-old children choose to describe? and why? what do they see?
3. What part does language play in the way Gyuri selects his perceptions?
4. Based on the whole novel and considering the story´s narration view, how reliable is this passage in relation to the rest of the story?


1) That he dosent do nothong bad, and sees things in a innocent way.
2) Now a days children of 13 years play games in general, like videogames, sports.
They see hapiness through the things they have.
3) He sees everything in a very innocent way, he also sees the bad things in a good way in the holocoust.
4) It is not reliable, becuase he is a child that hasent

Fatelessness reading task



1.  What characters are introduced in this chapter?

 Mr Suto a German that is hiding the family.

The faher and the stepmother.

Georg Koves a jewish boy of 14 years old, that his father is going to he concentration camp.

The Uncles.

2. Choose two characters and select a quote to describe them physically or 


Uncle Fleischmann: is a  diminutive man, with white hair, ashen skin, owlish spectacles, and a perpetual slightly worried air on his face.

Annemarie: she is 14 years old. She has a long neck and is already starting to round out under her yellow star.  


3. What narrative technique? Provide evidence


The point of view is a first person view, because the narrator is a character , we can dee it in the next quote: "I felt so bored", there I can provide enough.

4. Describe the setting of this chapter

 Budapest in Hungary. Most of the action in this chapter takes place in the neighbourhood where George lives, at his mother’s house and some family friends’ house (The Steiners’ and the Fleischmann's).


martes, 12 de noviembre de 2013

Writing task letter 2

Dear Gyurka,
 I'm writing you because I wantedto know how you are, I miss you and the whole family. Three days I thought I was going to die, because I don't have hope to live, untilI rembered you and your mom, that gave me the courage to go foward.

Mentally I'm very good, because I know that I'm going to meet you and mom at least one more time, by the other side physically all my body has suffered in a way I can't explain. My arm is very damaged, because every day I have take bags from the concentration camp to a station that is like from our house amd your school, for hours. Also the food is so poor that for me to walk is already tiring. 

Do you remember when we ate the night I lost saw yo? It was a splendid night, all that food, those special moments, those special meals,etc. Do you remember the song's we sang, with all the family? I wish I could do it againg. Do you remember when we read the bible?  I will like to read it againg, better if you haved read them

Finnally, I wish you can respond me this letter, and tell me about everything you are doing, you health, msde new friends? I wish we could meet againg after all this madness from The Holocoust, I know this and the next years are going to be very long, and very hard for us.

                                                                                                                With love your father.

miércoles, 30 de octubre de 2013


Read pages 90 and 91

Realistic froma innocence point of view.

 "... I saw no sign movement, of life, around them..."
"... I had to admit was a beautifully crafted cash, braided from white leather..."
"... It was all very clean, tidy, and pretty-truly, I had to reflect..."

Read Pages 180 to 185


" I could not help by notice that all the others people - wounds and all had already inmersed in that self some brown liquid before me."
" I was after freezing, especially after losing oneof my two blankets."
" Invariably gray sky"
" I could no carry on staming him unbag but, after all."
" I sensed more hopeless struggle or a more stubborn"
"I gave up and just watched the gluttony,... the unconcealed happines"
"I no longer engaged in combat with them, no longer disturbed them"
"I myself no longer inhabited it"
"A more hopeless struggle"
"An actor doing Satan on stage"

Read Pages 138 and 139

Language as a mean of interaction


"... are knowing the concentration camp as Musulännes" or as "Muslims"-..."
" Among another and with the catvian they use Iddish, but also they speak German, Slovakian, and a simatering of who knows what, only both Hungarian.

miércoles, 23 de octubre de 2013

The curious incident

Activity I

1. What does this tell us about how Christopher's mind - and our minds - work?
 That depends where you are you percive what is around you, I think the same way.

2. What do most people choose to describe, and why? What do they see?
 People describe the things they like or have more interest over the others. What they see is a country side where they see less things that in the field.

3. Are people "lazy", as Christopher thinks? Or is it that we select in a different way?
 "Lazy" people may not describe so much things as Christopher because they may no be that intesrested as him.

4. Why should we select in a different way to Christopher - and reduce what we see?
 Because we have diferent minds, likes, etc. We are not interested as him, thats why we reduce what we see.

5. What governs the way we select what we perceive?
 They way we think, what things are most important for us.

6. What part does language play in the way we select our perceptions?
With the language we think what words to use to describe something

7) What does this tell us about how Christopher's mind - and our minds - work?

Christopher gives to much importance to the things they give him, thats why he gets stressed in an easy way, while as just give importance to what we like.

miércoles, 31 de julio de 2013

Points of View of the Jew

Answer the following:
In what way does the text differ from the information presented in the video, in other words, explain how the 2 resources present information about the Holocoust but in a different way or from a different perspective?

In the two resources, the youtube video and the spanish new's of Sebastian Vilar Rodrigez, are different because they are two different point of view. In the case of the video it was more objective than the newspaper because it explains what Germany did with the jews, what Hitler did, the concentration camps, and how did they escape. In the case in the newspaper, talks about that german people killed and burned a culture, and it was replaced by the muslims. Muslims were welcome in Spain. They are differemt point of view in this two topics that are vert different.

miércoles, 3 de julio de 2013

Glogster Link


What cultural elements called your attention? What is similar to and what is different from our Chilean culture?

There a lot of things that New Zealand and Chile have in common, but also many things are very different. One way these countries are similar is the love of their national sport, in this case rugby in New Zealand and football in Chile.

 Also they eat at different times than us (breakfast, lunch, dinner), which is earlier except for breakfast.

One of the differences is the social security, for example: When you leave a bike in a tree, in New Zealand that bike can be there for hours, days, weeks, and it will still  be there,  where as in Chile the bike will just be there for minutes or hours. 

The cultural elements were unbelievable  such as all the things that were at the Te Papa, that means "Our Place", also the name is made up of two classical expressions used in Maori poetry and song. The logo of Te Papa is a fingerprint to represent the identity if a person. 

In conclusion, the element that caught my attention was the Maori culture that had a connection with the Chileans Rapa nui Culture, at the Easter Island. Also that the Maori's live in a community with the 'Pakeha',which means the Europeans in New Zealand. I think that this friendship is really good.


What is it to be a New Zealander?

To be part of this community is very different to the Chilean one in almost all aspects, such as everyone is very nice (from my point of view).

Firstly, the people from New Zealand are very athletic, every day I see at least 10 people running, cycling, going to the gym, windsurfing and more. They also have a special diet, for example of my family eat everyday vegetables.

Secondly, they follow all rules as it costs, like pay alone the parking, be fair, they are also responsable and punctual.

Thirdly, I've noticed that New Zealanders are open minded for all the races that you can observe in this country, culture or even point of views.

Finally, something that caught my attention was that someone can leave a bike for weeks in a place and it will not be stolen, but in Chile it can be just hours and it will be already stolen. This community is very friendly and has an excellence education.

In conclusion, to be a New Zealander is to be Open-Minded, friendly, caring about the other people, be fair, do sport and follow the rules, also to be a New Zealander is very difficult for all the activities you have to do.


lunes, 1 de julio de 2013

Miss Caroline Task

a)  If Miss Caroline is NOT an important character in the story, how does the author effectively use Miss Caroline’s character in chapters 2 and 3 to introduce important background information about other characters and the setting  of Maycomb in the 1930s?  Describe using examples from the text.

Haper Lee, uses this both chapter's to introduce her characteristics, because she was not from Maycomb, she is also a new character. She did not know nothing from this old town, that means nothing about the people, as we can see how she feel's after the first day of school, the rumors of the Radley Place, and how people lived.
B)  Imagine you were Miss Caroline after her first day teaching.  Write a brief letter to your family in Winston County describing your day.  (1 paragraph)

Dear Family,
Well I'm in Maycomb, and I just finished the day. In clasess I read a book to the kids, just some were interested. I noticed one of them called Jean Louise Finch, she was the most interested of all, she already knew how to read and write, that was unacceptable because someone had already teached her, what is the matter I have to repair. One boy, that was from the Cunningham's,did not brought food. Jean offered him some but he wont accept, I didn't understand why until the kid's explained to me. I was also insulted by an Ewell. This day of school was awfull. Hope everybody of you are okay.

With love,

TKaM Chapter One Questions

1) Describe Calpurnia as Scout depicts her in Chapter 1.

Calpurnia was near-sighted, all angles and bones, she had a big and hard hand, she squinted, and also Scout thought she is tyrannic and always she is ordeing things to her (Scout) and Jem.

2) What does Dill dare Jem to do?

Dill did a bet with Jem, that was he will not go further the Radley Place gate, but as we know he didnt wanted (Jem).

3) What events led to Arthur’s being shut into the house?

He was part of a gang, and they did disturbs so they were arrested. Mr Radley asked if he could have locked Arthus in his house, the judge accepted, instead of sending him to te state industrial school.

4) Pretend you are writing a description of Maycomb for a travel magazine ofthe 1930s. Describe the town in detail.

Its a old town in Alabama, the weather is hot and rainy, thats the reason why grass grows in the streets. People move slowly, because they take their time very seriuos. Also the comercial and the urban streets are separated.

5) The townspeople of Maycomb have some fears and superstitions about the Radley Place. Describe these fear and superstitions.

After the crime of Crazzy Addie, people always thought there was a ghost int the Radley Place, for the reason people had fear to this place and walked on the other sidewalk. Also the fruits that fall in their place were never eaten, beacuse there was a superstition that was if you it a fruit from there you are going to die. 

6) Whose idea was it to make Boo come out of the house?

Dill's idea.

7) How important is bravery to Jem?

Very important, because he was strong and confident, thats why he accepted Dill's bet. If he didn't had accepted, he will be looked like a coward, but he says he didnt wanted to accept.

miércoles, 12 de junio de 2013

Travel Writing Activity

is a town that is very small and very socialable. Maycomb is a town in Alabama where not many people live, but the people that do live there have never left it, so everyone knows just about everyone and everything that happens around there.There are many different races and religions in this small town. This town is one that no one knows much about except the people who live there. Its a very poor place filled with all sorts of people.
I liked the architecture style of this town, it had very big pilars called "doric pilasters" and huge windows with "gable dormers". They were houses of two floors and had a 'victorian style'. I walked insider to town to a cloth shop.

lunes, 22 de abril de 2013


Here is the link of my powerpoint.


sábado, 20 de abril de 2013

Writing Blog Assignment

TCKs are those kids that are a sub-culture, they also are Global Nomads. Who are TCKs? Certain group of people have led highly mobile lifes.

Firstly, TCKs are always moving from one country to another, so the only thing they have from their real culture is theirs passport that is very important to them, also they lose and gain of the fact that they grow up in another country of the one they were born. An example will be like if I born in Chile for 1 year , then go to USA for 3 years, then transfer to UK for 10 years, then go to Australia for 4 years, and finnally go back to Chile.

Secondly, TCKs frequently they ask the question "Who am I?", because they want to know their cultural identity, such as they haved lived in many countries all their lifes, like I said in my example.

In conclusion I feel bad for TCKs, because they can't have friends that are forever, because they will move to another country. I wouldnt like to be one of them.

Comprehension Questions Animal Farm

1) What is your reaction to the animals' revolution? Explain
 My reaction is how do do the rebellion for the words the Old major told in his speech.
2) Do you sympathize with the animals' complaints and goals? Why? Why not?
I did symoathize with the animals because they had a horrible life, and with the revolution some of the animals reached their goals, as the pigs.
3) Describe how the rebellion takes place? How does the animals behavior during the rebellion suggest human characteristics?
 First the animals spanted humans out of the farm, then humans attacked and animals won the battle. Their behavior change beacuse the animals were getting humans caracteristics such as reading, writing. Pigs also drink alocohol and sleep in beds what is prohibited
4) How do the pigs gain the rights to the cow's milk? Why do the other animals allow this? What does this event suggest about power hierarchy on the farm?
 They say that they need the milk for their intelectual brains as a justify. The other animals allow the pigs because they are afraid of Mr Jones returns, also the pigs were their leaders. This desmostrates hierarchy beacuse they are the leader of the farm.
5) What was your reaction to Snowball's expulsion from Animal Farm? Explain.
 I was amazed what Napoleon did to him, also I knew terrible things will happen to other animals like with Boxer, or the dogs puppies.
6) Identify three ways that Napoleon tries to solidify his leadership position on the farm. How does the process of decision making on the farm change under Napoleon's leadership?
1. Get controle of dogs puppies to make the other animals to hear to them(the becomed security dogs).
2. Pigs took decisions with asking other animals like changing the rules.
3. Use movies to say the humans are bad and pigs are good Leader's.
7)Why do the executions take place? What message eco these events send to the animals about their role in a future society?
Napoleon wanted a society with no rebels or then the animals that disobey will be punished to death. Animals were worried because he was acting like a man and animals look at this as they were againg with Mr Jones.
8) Do you think it's fair that those who are more educated or more skilled -like the- pigs in Animal Farm have more influence on the decision making? Who makes the decisions in your family, community and nation?
It's truly unfair, because every animal of the farm should vote for who is the leader and pigs should ask the other animals to make a decision. In Chile the whole country votes for a president to leader the country that is Democracy.
9) By the end of the film it can be suggested that the pigs and political leaders are interchangeable. How might power change those who have it? When you someone obtains the might power he can use it in 2 ways, for good; taking good decisions and helping the to have a better life, and for bad; being selfish and use the power for himself without helping the society.
10)In your opinion are the pigs in Animal Farm more intelligent than all other animals? What qualities enabled them to lead the others? Provide examples that support your answer.
 I think that the pigs are more intelligent because they were the first knowing to write and read, the persuaded other animals such as living in the house.

lunes, 15 de abril de 2013

Old Major's Speech Animal Farm Chapter 1

http://schoolworkhelper.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/Old-Major.jpgSelect at least 20 phrases where the idea of power and language is present, or that represents apropiate to appeal the audience. Explain 5 of them. Explain how this ideas help motivate the rest of the animals. Make a refference to the film when necesary a picture related. 

  1.  "I feel it my duty to pass on to you such wisdom."
  2. "Comrades, you have heard alredy about the strange dream I had last night".
  3. Our lives are miserable, laborious, and short.
  4.  "Man is the only real enemy we have."
  5. "We are born, we are given just so much food as will keep the breath in our bodies, and those of us who are capable of it are forced to work to the last atom of our strength."
  6.   "All the habits of Man are evil"
  7.  "All animals are equal."
  8.  "Is it all lies."
  9. "Why then do we continue in this miserable condition?"
  10. "The soil of England is fertile, its climate is good, its is capable of affording food in abundance to an enormously greater number of animal that now inhabit it. "
  11. "No animal in England knows the meaning of happiness or leisure after he is a year old. "
  12. "No animal in England is free."
  13. "Some animals are more equal than other's."
  14. "Remove Man from the scene, and the root cause of hunger and overwork is abolished for ever."
  15.  "The life of an animal is misery and slavery"
  16.  " That is my message to you, comrades: Rebellion!"
  17.  "All Men are enemy's"
  18.    "... we are all brothers."
  19.  "You cows that I see before me, how many thousands of gallons of milk you given during this last year? ... Every drop of it has gone down the throats of our enemies"
  20.   "And you hens, how many eggs have you laid in this last year, and how many of those eggs ever hatched into chickens? The rest have all gone to market to bring in money for Jones and his men.

  "... we are all brothers."
In this phrase the old majors wants to say that all animals are they same and encourage the other animals to a rebellion.
 " That is my message to you, comrades: Rebellion!"
The Old Major encourage the animals to do a rebellion versus the humans, and they want to control the farm.
"No animal in England is free."
They think(animals of the farm) that all animals are in a farm just to serve the humans
"All the habits of Man are evil"
The animals say this because they dont want to copy humans habits so they dont want to do what they do actually like sleep in beds, drink alcohol.
"Our lives are miserable, laborious, and short."
The Old Major tells the animals that their lives are miserable, laboriuos and short, thats why he encourage them to do a rebellion

    miércoles, 20 de marzo de 2013

    Describing MySelf

    Inicials: ABC

    1.- Funny: I feel myself funny because I make jokes and laugh alot in the day
    2.- Simpatic: I make friends easly when I get to know them
    3.- Blue: I have blue eyes, and is my favorite color
    4.- Skinny: I have been skinny my entire life
    5.- Blond: My hair color, my mom hair color, sister and brother.
    6.-  Dogs: I love dogs, specialy mines

    Beagles in special are my favorite type of dogs.

    miércoles, 13 de marzo de 2013


    1. Yes I agree, I dont think her's kerbstone language will stay in the gutter, because if she changes her language, she can be a Lady's Maid or a Shop assistant.

    2.That he is a good person trying to help this folwer girl, because he is a generous man, that is giving a generous offer. She can change her's Cockney girl in to a dcuhess if she does classes with a teacher to speak diferent.

    miércoles, 6 de marzo de 2013

    Which English is that? Chinglish. Hindlish – Indlish – Spanglish – Chicano English?

    1. How did you feel when listening to Gloria’s accent? 

       That she speeks "Spanglish", that is Spanish and English mixed, I felt very weird.


    2. Is this variation of language identifying a particular community for good or bad ?

      Identyfies Spanglish for good, because she is an example.


    3. Is this an inferior variation of the English language?

       I think yes, because she dosen't know some words and sometimes pronounce words bad.


    4. Do you usually judge people’s accents? 

      Normally I do, because then I know from they come.