miércoles, 30 de octubre de 2013


Read pages 90 and 91

Realistic froma innocence point of view.

 "... I saw no sign movement, of life, around them..."
"... I had to admit was a beautifully crafted cash, braided from white leather..."
"... It was all very clean, tidy, and pretty-truly, I had to reflect..."

Read Pages 180 to 185


" I could not help by notice that all the others people - wounds and all had already inmersed in that self some brown liquid before me."
" I was after freezing, especially after losing oneof my two blankets."
" Invariably gray sky"
" I could no carry on staming him unbag but, after all."
" I sensed more hopeless struggle or a more stubborn"
"I gave up and just watched the gluttony,... the unconcealed happines"
"I no longer engaged in combat with them, no longer disturbed them"
"I myself no longer inhabited it"
"A more hopeless struggle"
"An actor doing Satan on stage"

Read Pages 138 and 139

Language as a mean of interaction


"... are knowing the concentration camp as Musulännes" or as "Muslims"-..."
" Among another and with the catvian they use Iddish, but also they speak German, Slovakian, and a simatering of who knows what, only both Hungarian.

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