sábado, 20 de abril de 2013

Comprehension Questions Animal Farm

1) What is your reaction to the animals' revolution? Explain
 My reaction is how do do the rebellion for the words the Old major told in his speech.
2) Do you sympathize with the animals' complaints and goals? Why? Why not?
I did symoathize with the animals because they had a horrible life, and with the revolution some of the animals reached their goals, as the pigs.
3) Describe how the rebellion takes place? How does the animals behavior during the rebellion suggest human characteristics?
 First the animals spanted humans out of the farm, then humans attacked and animals won the battle. Their behavior change beacuse the animals were getting humans caracteristics such as reading, writing. Pigs also drink alocohol and sleep in beds what is prohibited
4) How do the pigs gain the rights to the cow's milk? Why do the other animals allow this? What does this event suggest about power hierarchy on the farm?
 They say that they need the milk for their intelectual brains as a justify. The other animals allow the pigs because they are afraid of Mr Jones returns, also the pigs were their leaders. This desmostrates hierarchy beacuse they are the leader of the farm.
5) What was your reaction to Snowball's expulsion from Animal Farm? Explain.
 I was amazed what Napoleon did to him, also I knew terrible things will happen to other animals like with Boxer, or the dogs puppies.
6) Identify three ways that Napoleon tries to solidify his leadership position on the farm. How does the process of decision making on the farm change under Napoleon's leadership?
1. Get controle of dogs puppies to make the other animals to hear to them(the becomed security dogs).
2. Pigs took decisions with asking other animals like changing the rules.
3. Use movies to say the humans are bad and pigs are good Leader's.
7)Why do the executions take place? What message eco these events send to the animals about their role in a future society?
Napoleon wanted a society with no rebels or then the animals that disobey will be punished to death. Animals were worried because he was acting like a man and animals look at this as they were againg with Mr Jones.
8) Do you think it's fair that those who are more educated or more skilled -like the- pigs in Animal Farm have more influence on the decision making? Who makes the decisions in your family, community and nation?
It's truly unfair, because every animal of the farm should vote for who is the leader and pigs should ask the other animals to make a decision. In Chile the whole country votes for a president to leader the country that is Democracy.
9) By the end of the film it can be suggested that the pigs and political leaders are interchangeable. How might power change those who have it? When you someone obtains the might power he can use it in 2 ways, for good; taking good decisions and helping the to have a better life, and for bad; being selfish and use the power for himself without helping the society.
10)In your opinion are the pigs in Animal Farm more intelligent than all other animals? What qualities enabled them to lead the others? Provide examples that support your answer.
 I think that the pigs are more intelligent because they were the first knowing to write and read, the persuaded other animals such as living in the house.

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